
Koram Insurance, Inc.

Since 1972, Koram has led the effort to permanently protect countless individuals and businesses from the unforeseen eventuality with the best rate and step-by-step management in the town.

We as a multi-line and multi-company insurer group have been at the forefront of advancing dynamic insurance solutions through presenting a comprehensive range of insurance coverage along with support and consultation.

We work with numerous top-rated insurance companies, and place your account with the company that will effectively provide you with the coverage and benefits you want. We have constructively helped to preserve our policyholders’ present and future over 47 years.




Our Mission

We provide the most appropriate insurance products and professional services unique to the needs of our customers by meticulously tailoring and marketing their accounts with various insurance carriers that are experienced, communicative and knowledgeable in the insurance field, and, of course, stable and cost-effective.

We accomplish this goal by mutual communication, cooperation, and trust based on a thorough analysis and knowledge of our client’s present essentials and future direction.

한미보험은 오랜 기간 축적된 전문 지식으로 고객들에게 실질적인 혜택과 최대의 효과를 제공하기 위해 최선의 노력을 다하는 보험 에이전시로 잘 알려져 있다.
장기근속한 직원이 많기 때문에 꾸준한 서비스가 가능하며 지금까지 단 한 번도 클레임과 관련된 문제가 발생한 적이 없을 정도로 높은 신뢰도를 자랑한다.
— 한국일보, The Korea Times

고객에게 필요로 하는 맞춤형 보험 서비스를 진행하고, 클레임을 해야 할 경우에도 한미보험은 언제든 전화 상담이 가능하다. 언어 소통에 어려움을 겪는 한인 고객을 위해 클레임 절차도 책임져준다.
— 한국일보, The Korea Times

our value

  • Honesty with Integrity and Transparency

  • Customize and Employ Unique Perspective and Strategy for Each Client

  • Top-Notch Quality Services and Products for Insurers

  • Optimize and Prioritize Accountability to High Standards

  • Serve with Dignity, Trust, and Respect

  • Dedication to Helping Build Affordable & Comprehensive Protection

  • Ownership – Think and Act like an Owner via Collaboration & Teamwork

  • Cutting-Edge Bilingual Policy Assistance/Claim Response Team

  • Easy Accessibility to File and Track Insurance Claim